SBF helps communication between nerve cells super bring for me a promotes healthy mood fascial Siri is a way to boost your mood for keep your energy levels high super brain, formula, boost, exercise, performance also helps performance makes you stronger faster and more enduring
Cognitive functioning refers to multiple mental abilities, including learning, thinking, reasoning, remembering, problem solving, decision making, and attention.
Vinpocetine is a natural substance derived from Periwinkle seeds. Research in Europe has
demonstrated that Vinpocetine can help improve cognitive function and short-term memory
****DHEA**** As a matter of fact, one study strongly suggests that correcting DHEA levels may help improve Alzheimer’s condition.
In addition, DHEA enhances memory in mammals, probably by increasing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep has been proven necessary for optimum memory storage and for a more restful, deeper, sleep. When DHEA was given to old mice, their memory processes increased to the high levels of young mice. For these reasons, the value of raising DHEA in age-related senility has been proposed.
As a matter of fact, one study strongly suggests t hat correcting DHEA levels may help improve Alzheimer’s condition.It has been demonstrated that DHEA, in test tubes, greatly increases the number of nerve cells and their ability to establish connections to other nerve cells.
In a controlled study, researchers at the University of California increased the DHEA levels of thirty men and women, aged 40-70, for three months. They found that 67% of the men and 84% of the women reported that they felt better emotionally and physically. They had more energy, were more alert, and had a more positive outlook on life because of their increase in DHEA.