COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING, including learning, thinking, reasoning, remembering, problem solving, decision making, and attention.
Whether you’re suffering from brain fog or more serious memory loss such as dementia or alzhiemers EVOCATION may be able to help you or a loved one
Studies show that DHEA enhances memory in mammals, probably by increasing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep has been proven necessary for optimum memory storage and for a more restful, deeper, sleep.
As a matter of fact, one study strongly suggests that correcting DHEA levels may help improve Alzheimer’s condition. It has been demonstrated that DHEA, in test tubes, greatly increases the number of nerve cells and their ability to establish connections to other nerve cells.
EVO has Vinpocetine which is a natural substance derived from Periwinkle seeds. Research in Europe has demonstrated that Vinpocetine can help improve cognitive function and short-term memory in both animals and humans. Our formula also includes Vitamins B1(thiamine) and B12(cyanocobalamin) which are needed to help support your brain and regenerate the stem cells needed for short term memory loss.
Vitamin B6 is also needed for proper brain development (in kids) and function (for people of all ages). It helps the body make the hormones serotonin (which regulates mood) and norepinephrine (which helps your body cope with stress).
Their collective effects are particularly prevalent to numerous aspects of brain function, including energy production, DNA/RNA synthesis/repair, genomic and non-genomic methylation, and the synthesis of numerous neurochemicals and signaling molecules.
Vitamin B12 deficiency has been associated with memory loss, especially in older adults. The vitamin may play a role in preventing brain atrophy, which is the loss of neurons in the brain and often associated with memory loss or dementia.
Vitamin B12 may help protect against brain volume loss in the elderly. That’s according to researchers from the University of Oxford in England
Our brain is a power consumer of vitamin C, the vitamin that cuts your colds short. Brain concentrations of the vitamin are far greater than those in the rest of the body, and long after the body is depleted of the vitamin, the brain maintains its levels. That’s partly because the metabolic furnaces in neurons churn through glucose to power all your thoughts and feelings and movements, and as an antioxidant, the vitamin’s job is to surrender electrons to neutralize rogue oxygen molecules given off in the process—free radicals that damage DNA and generally age your cells. But vitamin C also does more, and some 80 years after its discovery, its additional roles are just coming to light.
Chief among them are actions in the nervous system. Vitamin C plays a role in the differentiation and maturation of neurons and in the formation of the myelin sheath that protects them and speeds impulse transmission, making the vitamin crucial to cognitive performance. It is a cofactor in the synthesis of several neurotransmitters, it’s needed to convert dopamine to serotonin, and it modulates neurotransmitter release in nerve cells. And while it’s long been known that the vitamin is a component of collagen, a stabilizing force for teeth, bones, and blood vessels, only now is its role in ensuring blood vessel integrity seen as a factor in cognitive capacity, especially as we age.
In a recent review of 50 studies of vitamin C levels and cognitive function, all conducted between 1980 and January 2017, Australian researchers found a striking relationship between vitamin C status and mental function, as measured by a well-established questionnaire, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Those who were cognitively intact had significantly higher blood concentrations of vitamin C than those who were cognitively impaired. And among those who were cognitively intact, blood levels of vitamin C correlated with cognitive ability. No linear correlation was seen in those with cognitive impairment.
Severe vitamin C deficiency is known to cause scurvy. But scientists recognize that the human body needs far more than the minimal amount required to prevent the once-common disease. Just how much is necessary to support all body functions is not clear. Complicating matters is the fact that the amount consumed does not always translate into adequate blood levels. And factors like smoking, toxin exposure from air pollution, and alcohol consumption make extra demands for the nutrient as they place the body under oxidative stress. Studies have shown that such conditions as fatigue, depression, and poor wound healing are consequences of inadequate levels of vitamin C.
An array of studies suggest that, day in, day out over the long haul, vitamin C plays some role in preventing the neural loss that typifies dementia, although studies of the vitamin as a treatment have proved equivocal. Researchers believe that it’s long-term vitamin C status that matters, the amount of the antioxidant available over time.
Oxidative damage to the brain is pervasive in Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Oxidative stress activates an enzyme that cleaves beta amyloid from its precursor protein, accelerating amyloid production and setting the stage for its accumulation, one of the cardinal features of the disorder. Oxidative stress also impedes clearance of debris from brain cells, promoting the buildup of toxins, setting off inflammatory processes, and leading to cell death. Further, it impairs the ability of cells to utilize their glucose fuel.
Vinpocetine is a natural substance derived from Periwinkle seeds. Research in Europe has demonstrated that Vinpocetine can help improve cognitive function and short-term memory in both animals and humans.xvi xvii xviii.xix xx Other research indicates that Vinpocetine is effective for patients with cerebrovascular disease.xxi xxii xxiii One of Vinpocetine’s identified mechanisms of action is improvement in brain circulation and oxygen utilizationxxiv (although Ginkgo biloba also improves brain circulation, it does not have Vinpocetine’s other functions). An improvement in brain circulation means that all of the nutrients the brain needs to concentrate and function properly are able to be effectively delivered. Improved oxygen utilization means that the brain should be more effective at producing ATP (the energy “currency” of the body). In fact, research has shown that vinpocetine effectively elevated cerebral concentrations of ATPxxv, as well as ATP concentrations in red blood cells.xxvi More ATP means more brain energy.
More brain energy means an ability to concentrate.
In addition to its circulation and oxygen enhancing properties, another mechanism of Vinpocetine’s action is that it seems to work as part of the cholinergic pathway.xxvii This is the pathway that involves the production of the memory neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. Specifically, Vinpocetine increases the firing rate of certain nerve cells.xxviii
Finally, Vinpocetine is a remarkable safe substance. Miskolczi, P., et al, concluded that there is no accumulation or autoinduction of Vinpocetine at doses up to 30 mg daily.xxix Other research has also shown that Vinpocetine has no serious side Actually, Vinpocetine is not only safe, but is actually an effective antioxidant against free radicals and other toxic substances.xxxi xxxii Human research on Vinpocetine has utilized around 10 to 15 mg daily.
Dehydroepiandosterone (DHEA)
A significant amount of scientific literature has reported the benefits of dehydroepiandrosterone, or DHEA, a hormone secreted from the adrenal glands. As a dietary supplement, DHEA has many applications to human health. Following is a discussion of some of these applications.
How DHEA works
Aging is a gradual deterioration of our various organs and systems. It is not just “getting older.” People don’t simply die because they are older. Death results from failure of an organ or system. Consider your automobile. It doesn’t simply stop running without some cause. If examined, it will have a specific failure, such as a broken carburetor, weak battery, or corroded spark plugs. And the year of the car does not necessarily correspond with its condition.
The same principle applies to humans. We age and die due to a particular cause, usually failure of the heart, lungs, brain, liver, kidneys, or immune system. Aging is associated with reduced protein formation, decreased muscle mass, decreased bone mass, and increased body fat. DHEA can be viewed as a special hormone with protective roles in many aspects of organ health, including prevention of deterioration associated with aging.
Stress causes the body to release hormones like adrenaline. This happens too often in our stressful environment. These stress hormones prepare the body for “fight or flight,” and, in the
Calcium-D-Glucarate Review
Calcium-D-Glucarate supports one of the liver’s major detoxification pathways, glucuronidation.
process, cause enormous wear and tear on the body. One action of DHEA is the cushioning of these stress effects. This action is critical to decreasing the damaging process of aging.
Low DHEA forecasts aging and disease
The body’s level of DHEA increases until about age 20, then it dramatically decreases by up to 90% as we get older.lxiv With this decline comes a host of age-related syndromes and diseases. There is growing evidence that the blood levels of DHEA predict the future development of various age-associated diseases. People with lower DHEA levels are said to be more likely to get atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, and cancer. With this decline also come a concurrent reduction in protein formation, a decrease in muscle mass, and an increase in body fat.lxv
In a 12-year study of 242 men, ages 50-79, the men with the higher DHEA levels had a 40% reduction in death rate from heart disease, and a 36% reduction in death rate from all other diseases such as strokes and cancer.
DHEA and heart disease
Lower DHEA levels are associated with fatal heart attacks in men. Those men with lower DHEA levels had a greater blockage of the arteries of the heart as proven by specialized heart pictures. There is growing evidence that increasing DHEA levels can reduce atherosclerosis and blockage of the arteries of the heart. As a matter of fact, DHEA supplementation reduced atherosclerosis in rabbits by almost 50%. This dramatic effect was accompanied by decreased fat accumulation in the heart. DHEA may, therefore, block the development of atherosclerosis and slow aging.
These studies make a strong case for increasing our DHEA levels by supplementation to reduce the deterioration caused by atherosclerosis.
DHEA and stress
Stress causes damage to our various organ systems. It accelerates aging and leads to death.
One study conducted on laboratory mice demonstrated the lifesaving benefits of DHEA in relieving stress. The mice were deliberately given an encephalitis virus. When they were then exposed to the stress of cold temperature, 67% of them died. If the mice were kept at room temperature, none died. When infected mice were treated with DHEA first, only 22% died of the cold stress. Therefore, DHEA reduced the deadly effects of stress. This study provides direct evidence for the protective effects of DHEA. It supports the idea that DHEA buffers the stress response.
This theory has meaning for aging overall, by decreasing damage caused by ordinary stress. Supplementing to raise DHEA levels could also be helpful in certain viral illnesses, including common colds and flu, which can be devastating to the elderly.
DHEA and the immune system
As people age, they become more susceptible to infectious diseases. Actually, they generally get fewer colds and flu because in their younger years their immune systems produced specific antibodies against each virus that made them sick. These antibodies remain in the blood to
prevent ever catching the same virus twice. However, an older immune system has difficulty fighting a new virus. It cannot produce antibodies as easily, so illnesses can be more severe. Nor can it fight cancer cells effectively, so cancer develops more often. In fact, an older immune system appears to get confused and attacks the body’s own organs. This may cause an autoimmune disorder, resulting in further damage and aging.One of the most exciting findings of recent research is that this deterioration of the immune system may be a direct result of the decline in DHEA. However, this deterioration can be reversed by increasing DHEA levels. Therefore, an older person need not be devastated by a common cold or flu bug just because of an older immune system. DHEA can significantly protect against deadly virus infections by strengthening the body’s resistance. When DHEA was given to mice infected with a deadly virus, it reduced the death rate from 100% to 40%. In old mice, DHEA helped their immune deficiency. It significantly enhanced their immune responses to a vaccine so that the vaccine would better prevent disease. DHEA could improve the effects of our influenza vaccinations for the elderly.
In humans, DHEA prevents infections by the Epstein-Barr virus, the virus responsible for infectious mononucleosis. Other studies have shown that DHEA can reverse the dysfunctions of the immune system caused by aging. Indeed, it can protect immune function in the midst of direct attack on immune cells.
DHEA and cancer
Many studies, some dating to the 1950’s, have shown that people whose bodies produce low levels of DHEA have a higher risk of developing cancer. DHEA levels were 300% lower in humans who developed gastric cancer. According to research conducted at John Hopkins University School of Medicine, raising DHEA levels may reduce this risk significantly.
The National Cancer Institute is testing dozens of possible anti-cancer compounds. In some of these tests, DHEA has produced significant anti-cancer effects. Furthermore, in laboratory animals studied at the Temple University School of Medicine, DHEA has helped to prevent cancer of the breast, lung, colon, thyroid, skin, and liver.DHEA and mental function
Low levels of DHEA are associated with a decline in most mental functions. In fact, the loss of memory and functional independence that sometimes accompany aging may really be a decline in DHEA.
In 61 nursing home residents, males age 57-104, DHEA was below normal in 40%. DHEA was lowest in those with the greatest degree of senility. Many studies show that an increase in DHEA has the potential of treating these serious problems. In addition, DHEA enhances memory in mammals, probably by increasing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep has been proven necessary for optimum memory storage and for a more restful, deeper, sleep. When DHEA was given to old mice, their memory processes increased to the high levels of young mice. For these reasons, the value of raising DHEA in age-related senility has been proposed.
As a matter of fact, one study strongly suggests that correcting DHEA levels may help improve Alzheimer’s condition. It has been demonstrated that DHEA, in test tubes, greatly increases the number of nerve cells and their ability to establish connections to other nerve cells.
In a controlled study, researchers at the University of California increased the DHEA levels of thirty men and women, aged 40-70, for three months. They found that 67% of the men and 84% of the women reported that they felt better emotionally and physically. They had more energy, were more alert, and had a more positive outlook on life because of their increase in DHEA.
DHEA and fat loss
Suppression of body fat, usually without a significant change in food consumption, is one of the most interesting and unanticipated effects of DHEA. In fact, in some experiments, DHEA caused the laboratory animals to eat more, yet suppressed their weight gain.lxvi We do not fully understand why this happens. It is believed that DHEA, in an obese situation, may cause fat and carbohydrates to be used more efficiently. This creates more energy and decreases fat storage.lxvii One proposed mechanism of action is the blockage of an enzyme called G6PD. This enzyme is crucial to fat production. Block it and you might help prevent obesity. It may be that DHEA actually blocks G6PD.
“There isn’t any question,” says Arthur Schwartz, a researcher at Temple University in Philadelphia, “DHEA is a very effective anti-obesity agent.” Other researchers are finding similar effects. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine (December 11, 1986) indicated that DHEA gives almost a 50% reduction in excess fat in mice. In another study without DHEA, a 50% reduction in food intake was necessary to achieve the same degree of body weight changes seen in the rats that simply took DHEA without any change in their food intake.lxviii
DHEA and Sex
A decline in libido often accompanies a DHEA decline in men. This was clearly demonstrated in the groundbreaking Massachusetts Male Aging Study, which investigated, among other things, sexual function and activity in men aged forty to seventy. The study not only found that risk of severe or total impotency increases threefold with age, but that of the seventeen hormones measured in each of the men only one showed a direct and consistent correlation with impotency: DHEA. As DHEA levels declined, the incidence of impotency increased. The good news is that many men are reporting that DHEA supplementation has renewed their interest in sex and improved their sex life.
Acetyl-L-carnitine is an ester derivative of the amino acid l-carnitine, with many important biochemical properties. Several clinical trials have found that acetyl-L-carnitine supplementation delays the progression of Alzheimer’s diseasei, improves memoryii iii iv and enhances overall performance in some people with Alzheimer’s disease.v vi However, in one double-blind trial, people who received acetyl-L-carnitine (1 gram three times per day) deteriorated at the same rate as those given a placebo.vii Overall, however, most short-term studies have shown clinical benefits, and most long-term studies (one year) have shown a reduction in the rate of deterioration.viii A typical supplemental amount is 1 gram taken three times per day.
SBF (Super Brain Formuls) helps communication between nerve cells super bring for me a promotes healthy mood fascial Siri is a way to boost your mood for keep your energy levels high super brain, formula, boost, exercise, performance also helps performance makes you stronger faster and more enduring
Cognitive functioning refers to multiple mental abilities, including learning, thinking, reasoning, remembering, problem solving, decision making, and attention.
Vinpocetine is a natural substance derived from Periwinkle seeds. Research in Europe has
demonstrated that Vinpocetine can help improve cognitive function and short-term memory
****DHEA**** As a matter of fact, one study strongly suggests that correcting DHEA levels may help improve Alzheimer’s condition.
In addition, DHEA enhances memory in mammals, probably by increasing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep has been proven necessary for optimum memory storage and for a more restful, deeper, sleep. When DHEA was given to old mice, their memory processes increased to the high levels of young mice. For these reasons, the value of raising DHEA in age-related senility has been proposed.
As a matter of fact, one study strongly suggests t hat correcting DHEA levels may help improve Alzheimer’s condition.It has been demonstrated that DHEA, in test tubes, greatly increases the number of nerve cells and their ability to establish connections to other nerve cells.
In a controlled study, researchers at the University of California increased the DHEA levels of thirty men and women, aged 40-70, for three months. They found that 67% of the men and 84% of the women reported that they felt better emotionally and physically. They had more energy, were more alert, and had a more positive outlook on life because of their increase in DHEA.
Cell-1 contain’s Resveratrol
Resveratrol was first isolated in 1940 as a constituent of the roots of white hellebore (Veratrum grandiflorum), but has since been found in various plants, including grapes, berries, cacao, and peanuts. What made it popular was a 2006 study that reported mice lived longer when given a resveratrol supplement. Research studies continue to find more interesting benefits from this red wine compound, including potential anti-cancer and anti-aging activity. It is not surprising that extensive research from all over the globe indicates that it has a wide range of beneficial properties, including vision enhancement. If you would like to improve your vision and have better color perception. This means your eyesight will get better.
The Cells in our bodies are very important. Stemcell’s make cells, cells make organs, organs make tissue. Through out our life cells are always dying and regenerating. Below is an example of how often out cells are being regenerated.
Cell regeneration (time span)
The right amount or dosage
Some people think the more they take the better. This is not necessarily true. Sometimes smaller amounts are better overall to the body than larger dosages. When participants in a high intensity exercise trial were given 250 mg, this high dosage counteracted the positive effects of exercise on blood pressure, levels of fat in the blood and the capacity of the body to transport and use oxygen. 2013, Journal of Physiology..
Alzheimer’s disease Red wine ingredient resveratrol protects from beta-amyloid neurotoxicity. Gerontology. 2003.
Neuroprotective effects of resveratrol against beta-amyloid-induced neurotoxicity in rat hippocampal neurons: involvement of protein kinase C. Br J Pharmacol. 2004. Protein kinase C is involved in the neuroprotective action of resveratrol against Abeta-induced toxicity.
Resveratrol activates a cell’s survival defense enzyme, which prolongs the time cells have to repair their broken DNA
Blood flow to brain Effects of resveratrol on cerebral blood flow variables and cognitive performance in humans: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover investigation American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010. The many putative beneficial effects of the polyphenol resveratrol include an ability to bolster endogenous antioxidant defenses, modulate nitric oxide synthesis, and promote vasodilation, which thereby improves blood flow.
Cancer prevention and perhaps treatment Recent laboratory studies indicate that resveratrol has promising therapeutic activity in various cancers, including breast, prostate, and neuroblastoma. Human studies are lacking at this time.
Role of resveratrol in prevention and therapy of cancer: preclinical and clinical studies.
Anticancer Res. 2004.
Resveratrol exhibits anticancer properties as suggested by its ability to suppress proliferation of a wide variety of tumor cells, including lymphoid and myeloid cancers; multiple myeloma; cancers of the breast, prostate, stomach, colon, pancreas, and thyroid; melanoma; head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; ovarian carcinoma; and cervical carcinoma. The growth-inhibitory effects are mediated through cell-cycle arrest; upregulation of p21Cip1/WAF1, p53 and Bax; down-regulation of survivin, cyclin D1, cyclin E, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL and clAPs; and activation of caspases.
Breast cancer
Identification of a p53-dependent pathway in the induction of apoptosis of human breast cancer cells by the natural product, resveratrol. J Altern Complement Med. 2004.
Resveratrol suppresses the angiogenesis and tumor growth of gliomas in rats. Clin Cancer Res. 2004.
Lung cancer Consumption of red wine is associated with a slight but statistically significant reduction in the development of lung cancer, as reported in the journal Thorax.
Prostate cancer Coral Lamartiniere, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, gave male mice resveratrol, the equivalent of that found in a bottle of red wine in humans, and discovered that the mice were significantly less likely to develop prostate cancer.
Erectile dysfunction and impotence
This substance may dilate blood vessels and hence be of some help in those with ED.
Resveratrol has a potent relaxant effect on rat corpus cavernosum via endothelium-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Endothelium-dependent relaxation of corpus cavernosum is thought to be mediated primarily through NO/cGMP signaling pathway, and possibly an additional mechanism, endothelium-dependent hyperpolarization factor.
Exercise and heavy physical exertion
Perhaps small amounts may help, but supplementing with too high a dosage, such as 250 mg a day, is not advised. 2013, Journal of Physiology. This particular study by University of Copenhagen researchers involved 27 healthy but inactive men, all nonsmokers around 65 years old. The men were asked to engage in high-intensity exercise, which included full-body circuit training, for a total of eight weeks. During this time, half of the participants were given 250 mg of resveratrol daily and the others were given a placebo pill that contained no active ingredients. The results showed that supplements counteracted the positive effects of exercise on blood pressure, levels of fat in the blood and the capacity of the body to transport and use oxygen. The men who took the placebo pills had lower blood pressure and concentrations of LDL or “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood following the eight weeks of exercise. Resveratrol supplementation combined with physical activity, however, eliminated the reduction in blood pressure and blood fats, and led to a significantly lower increase in the amount of oxygen delivered to muscles during exercise.
Eye health, retina Resveratrol reduces oxidation and proliferation of human retinal pigment epithelial cells via extracellular signal-regulated kinase inhibition.
Chem Biol Interact. 2005.
Influenza Resveratrol treatment had the greatest effect when administered 3 hours after exposure to influenza. Smaller but significant effects were seen when treatment began 6 hours after infection, but at 9 hours after infection treatment had no effect. Pre-treatment also did not change susceptibility to infection. Studies in a mouse model of influenza showed that injections after inoculation of influenza increased survival by 40% compared with placebo injections. The amount of virus present in the lung 6 days after infection was 98% lower in the resveratrol -treated mice. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2005.
Liver health
Br J Nutrition. 2015. The effects of resveratrol supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is usually associated with insulin resistance, central obesity, reduced glucose tolerance, type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertriacylglycerolaemia. The beneficial effects of resveratrol on metabolic disorders have been shown previously. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of resveratrol supplementation on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with NAFLD. In this randomised double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial, fifty NAFLD patients were supplemented with either a 500-mg resveratrol capsule or a placebo capsule for 12 weeks. Both groups were advised to follow an energy-balanced diet and physical activity recommendations. resveratrol supplementation reduced alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and hepatic steatosis significantly more than placebo. There were no significant changes in blood pressure, insulin resistance markers and TAG in either group. Our data have shown that 12-week supplementation of 500 mg resveratrol does not have any beneficial effect on anthropometric measurements, insulin resistance markers, lipid profile and blood pressure; however, it reduced ALT and hepatic steatosis in patients with NAFLD.
Metabolism Calorie restriction-like effects of 30 days of resveratrol supplementation on energy metabolism and metabolic profile in obese humans. Cell Metab. 2011. We treated 11 healthy, obese men with placebo and 150 mg/day resveratrol in a randomized double-blind crossover study for 30 days. Treatment reduced sleeping and resting metabolic rate. In muscle and improved muscle mitochondrial respiration on a fatty acid-derived substrate. Furthermore, resveratrol elevated intramyocellular lipid levels and decreased intrahepatic lipid content, circulating glucose, triglycerides, alanine-aminotransferase, and inflammation markers. Systolic blood pressure dropped and HOMA index improved. In the postprandial state, adipose tissue lipolysis and plasma fatty acid and glycerol decreased. In conclusion, we demonstrate that 30 days of supplementation induces metabolic changes in obese humans, mimicking the effects of calorie restriction.
Prostate gland enlargement
J Nat Products, 2015. Effects of Resveratrol on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia by the Regulation of Inflammatory and Apoptotic Proteins. Resveratrol produced an antiproliferative effect by regulating the expression levels of proteins involved in inflammation and apoptosis during BPH.
Thyroid gland Q. There is a website that which shows that resveratrol causes the thyroid to enlarge. If you google resveratrol and goitrogenic, it will bring up medical and non medical blogs where they mention it to be one of the worst goitrogenic food. A. A search on Medline in 2016 does not show any published studies in humans regarding this compound causing an enlarged thyroid. One unpublished study in rodents by Ibrahim Abduh Khardali B. Sc. Pharm for his masters at King Saud University concludes, “So the present study can give hints to potential goitrogenic effect of resveratrol. At this time it is too early to come to any conclusions regarding its hypothyroid or hyperthyroid inducing effects. But, as with most supplements, if breaks are taken occasionally side effects become minimal.
Triglyceride and lipid level reduction
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2013. High-dose resveratrol treatment for 2 weeks inhibits intestinal and hepatic lipoprotein production in overweight/obese men.
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As you age, you face a natural decline in NAD+ levels.
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1. Supports Normal Respiratory Health
When your respiratory system is irritated, redness and swelling can result from the release of histamines. Quercetin may be your newest go-to supplement! It’s shown to have an antihistamine effect. Quercetin influences intracellular enzymes and may help inhibit histamine release.[1] This can often provide relief for watery eyes, runny nose, and swelling in the face. Quercetin may even help with photosensitivity — extreme sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun and other light sources.[2]
2. Boosts Heart Health
Keeping your heart healthy starts with eating nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables that contain high levels of flavonoids. Flavonoids compounds are found naturally in many fruits and vegetables and are high in antioxidants! It’s shown that the consumption of flavonoids, especially quercetin, offers a two-fold in promoting overall cardiovascular health. First, it encourages blood flow.[3]Secondly, quercetin’s antioxidant action protects against LDL cholesterol oxidation. This may be beneficial because oxidation causes LDL cholesterol to stick to artery walls.[4]
3. Promotes Balanced Blood Pressure
Did you know nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure? Blood pressure can be a complex mix of mechanisms inside your body, working together harmoniously. In addition to supporting cardiovascular health, quercetin naturally promotes balanced blood pressure, which is vital to your overall health. Quercetin supplementation has been researched and shown to stabilize systolic, diastolic, and average arterial pressure.[5]
4. Offers Protection Against Stress
When your body is stressed, it produces cortisol — aka the stress hormone. Cortisol is a hormone that creates a “fight or flight” response. Many situations can elevate cortisol levels — including lack of sleep and busy lifestyles. Although this is normal, when your stress levels are high and ongoing, cortisol can damage muscle tissue, leading to protein breakdown in the body. Quercetin can fight these effects during extended stress as it suppresses the enzyme necessary for cortisol release.[6]
5. May Benefit Upper Respiratory Conditions
While more research is needed, there are promising results that quercetin may offer a bronchial dilating effect. Quercetin has been shown to inhibit an enzyme that breaks down signaling proteins, which produce swelling and airway narrowing. Quercetin causes a relaxation of the airway smooth muscle, suggesting it may offer therapeutic solutions for people suffering from upper respiratory conditions.[7]
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