Arthritis Support


Since i started using “CMO, Omega-9”  I can get up in the morning feeling great.   No more pain and if the pain comes back during the day i take 2 more.   Product works great i would recommend it to everyone.

                                                              J. Miller   Kansas

ALL NEW” (OMEGA-9)is not like any other product out there.  Most arthritis supplements  only work on trying to ease your pain.  Omega-9 actually gets rid of inflammation,  and with no  inflammation there is little pain.  White Cross’s arthritis support formula  actually works on lubricating your joints.   This is a cutting edge product with no side effects.   

                                                       “I can really feel a difference with CMO i will never get off of it” 

Halldora H.2020


“I have been taking Omega-9 and Cell-1 for only 1 week and i can already feel the difference with my arthritis pain.” 

Mary Bryan  Texas


“I have been taking (omega-9) since july and my joints feel great and i have no pain”

E Brockington  Washington D.C.


“I was taking Prescription pain killers for 10 years.  My doctor had to stop prescribing them because of new laws.   I have been on Omega-9 for 3 weeks and i have no swelling in my hips.   I truly believe that Omega-9 is not  just a safe alternative to pain killers, but it actually seems to have got rid of the inflammation.”       DALE  G.   2019


“I take Arthritis support every morning and would not start my day off without it.”

                                                                                                                               Shirley T.


“I take my CMO everyday for almost 5 years and i cant imagine living without it”.

Irene B, October 2020


“Arthritis Support is a god send.   I have tried  omega XL, fish oil everything out there and the only thing that works is the Arthritis Support with CMO from White Cross Health.”       Marion S.


  • Cetyl Myristoleate has been found to be very effective in pain-relief formulas.  A scientist for the National Institute of Health found that lab mice had something in their blood that made them immune to arthritis.
  • It turned out to be a rare fatty acid known as Cetyl Myristoleate or CMO.  This scientist developed a method of making it in the lab and found that it was very effective at relieving arthritic pain

  • Osteoarthritis occurs when your body can no longer properly repair the wear-and-tear that occurs in your joints from using them on a daily basis. Over time, the cartilage at the ends of your bones starts to wear out, which prevents your joints from moving smoothly, causing pain and inflammation. Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis on the other hand, is an autoimmune disease in which your own immune system attacks your own tissues, in this case, your joints. This causes chronic inflammation, painful swelling, and and can lead to joint deformity.
Fight back against Arthritis and Joint Pain with our Bone & Joint formula.  When taken with Omega 3 our Bone & Joint formula with cetyl myristoleate a natural aspirin will stop inflammation and lubricate your joints.

Omega-9(arthritis support) is a great anti-inflammatory/pain reliever for all types of arthritis but not limited to.   It will help build a fluid like membrane between all joints.

Cetyl Myristoleate CMO- OMEGA-9

OMEGA-9 cetyl myristoleate can help with osteoarthritis, a condition marked by wear and tear of the cartilage surrounding your joints.  OMEGA-9 helps relieve joint pain and reduce further joint damage,  by reducing inflammation.

Cetyl myristoleate is also used for other types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, and autoimmune conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), psoriasis.

Hyaluronic acid plays a key role in wound healing

Hyaluronic acid is also found in the joints, where it keeps the space between your bones well lubricated (22).

When the joints are lubricated, the bones are less likely to grind against each other and cause uncomfortable pain.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in the human body. It is found in the highest concentrations in fluids in the eyes and joints.

People take hyaluronic acid for various joint disorders, including osteoarthritis. It can be taken by mouth or injected into the affected joint by a healthcare professional.

Some people apply hyaluronic acid to the skin for healing wounds, burns, skin ulcers, and as a moisturizer.

There is also a lot of interest in using hyaluronic acid to prevent the effects of aging. In fact, hyaluronic acid has been promoted as a “fountain of youth.” However, there is no evidence to support the claim that taking it by mouth or applying it to the skin can prevent changes associated with aging.

MSM Methylsulfonylmethane,is used to. relieve joint pain, reduce inflammation and boost immunity. Can Speed Recovery After Exercise by Reducing Muscle Damage and Stress.  MSM reduces pain and stiffness and boosts  immunity. 

Holy Basil Leaf (2% extract) 

Holy Basil (also known as Tulsi, or Ocimum sanctum) is an ayurvetic herb which has historically been used to treat a variety of general ailments. It recently has been shown to hold scientific worth in the areas of liver protection and general anti-oxidant activity, as well as being classified as an adaptogen (reducing the effects of stress on the body).

Turmeric 95% Extract (root) has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties,

Ginger Root Extract (5% gingerols) Ginger May Reduce Muscle Pain and Soreness. …The Anti-Inflammatory Effects Can Help With Osteoarthritis.

Green Tea Leaf (50% extract) 

  • Eliminates Free Radicals. …
  • Boosts Immunity. …
  • Alleviates Pain. …
  • Improves Liver Function.

Boswellia serrata 65% Extract (gum) 

  • Boswellia Serrata, via its active boswellic acids, appears to be a novel inhibitory of a pro-inflammatory enzyme called 5-Lipoxygenase and may possess other anti-inflammatory effects (such as nF-kB inhibition, which are not as novel). These anti-inflammatory effects have been investigated for their benefits in osteoarthritis (OA), and it appears that oral Boswellia supplements can suppress pain and immobility associated with OA quite significantly with the effects taking as little as a week to occur.
  • Skullcap 4:1 Extract 

    (Scutellaria baicalensis) (root) 

    • skullcap has potential as a treatment for epilepsy, hysteria, panic attacks,10 anxiety and delirium tremens.11It also helps induce sleep naturally.
    • Antispasmodic — The herb was used to help clear the throat, and address neuralgia, stress-caused headaches, after-effects of incessant coughing, anorexia nervosa, fibromyalgia and mild Tourette’s syndrome. American skullcap can also be useful for people suffering from withdrawal symptoms from tranquilizers and barbiturates.13 

    Berberine HCl 

    studies show that berberine may have benefits against depression, , infections, fatty liver and heartfailure. It also has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects


    Resveratrol is part of a group of compounds called polyphenols. They’re thought to act like antioxidants,. It’s in the skin of red grapes, but you can also find it in peanuts and berries

Cetyl myristoleate (CMO) is the common name for cis-9-cetyl myristoleate, a relative of the Omega-9 fatty acid found in olive oil. It is a completely natural medium chain fatty acid found in certain animals, including cows, whales, beavers, and mice — but not in people. It has multiple biological properties, including as an anti-inflammatory and a pain reliever, as well as being an immune system modulator.

CMO was discovered in 1972 by Harry W. Diehl, Ph.D., a researcher at the National Institutes of Health. At the time, Dr. Diehl was responsible for testing anti-inflammatory drugs on lab animals. In order for him to test the drugs, he first had to artificially induce arthritis in the animals by injecting a heat-killed bacterium called Freund’s adjuvant health supplement. Dr. Diehl discovered that Swiss albino mice did not get arthritis after injection of Freund’s adjuvant health supplement.

Eventually, he was able to determine that cetyl myristoleate was the factor present naturally in mice that was responsible for this protection. When CMO was injected into various strains of rats, it offered the same protection against arthritis.  In fact, there have been three notable studies on humans.

The first double blind study was conducted in 1997 under the auspices of the Joint European Hospital Studies Program. Of the 106 people who received cetyl myristoleate, 63% showed improvement VS just 15% for the 226 people in the placebo group.

In 2001, a study of 1814 arthritis patients found that over 87% of the subjects in the study had greater than 50% arthritis pain relief and recovery and over 65% of those showed from 75% – 100% recovery following a sixteen day regimen. All types of arthritis were positively affected by CMO. Only those subjects with liver damage or digestive problems or those taking immune suppressing medications were not helped.

In 2001, a study of 1814 arthritis patients found that over 87% of the subjects in the study had greater than 50% arthritis pain relief and recovery and over 65% of those showed from 75% – 100% recovery following a sixteen day regimen. All types of arthritis were positively affected by CMO. Only those subjects with liver damage or digestive problems or those taking immune suppressing medications were not helped.

In 2002, a double blind study of 64 people with chronic knee pain, published in the Journal of Rheumatology, concluded that CMO provided a significant functional improvement in range of motion VS placebo. In fact, the study concluded that CMO “may be an alternative to the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of osteoarthritis.”

Cetyl-M is great for arthritis pain relief, and is available in WHITE CROSS BONE & JOINT FORMULA

C-Pain is a specially formulated product that helps fight inflammation and pain.  C-Pain is another one of White Cross’s Pain management products. 

C-Pain is a fomulation of Organic Turmeric Root, Turmeric root extract(Curcuma Longa) 95%Curcuminoids,

and Black Pepper root extract by BIOPERENE.

curcumin has many scientifically-proven health benefits, . It’s a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and may also help improve symptoms of depression and arthritis.


WC Bone & Joint Formula is  a reliable product for people suffering from joint pain and stiffness. Customer reviews state that it works fast and effectively with no side effects. The 60-day money back guarantee offered, makes this supplement more appealing to buyers than other products. Many customers said it was a good alternative to taking over-the-counter pain medication. 


**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.**